Solved – “Deep learning removes the need for feature engineering”

feature-engineeringneural networks

I have seen it written in several papers and currently see it written in Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet that

Deep learning removes the need for feature engineering

What does this mean exactly? Does this apply to tabular data as well as perceptual data such as images?

Best Answer

Most deep learning models and their associated calibration processes are able to "perform" some simple feature engineering tasks like variable transformation and variable selection (it's difficult to speak about all models at the same time). Often it's more about how models are built than a specific action. This renders some basic feature engineering task unusefull.

For exemple a vanilla NN on tabular data will mostly be insensible to linear data transformation as each neuron rely on a linear predictor. The variable selection is somewhat done trough the weight calibration (may be with some regularisation) : if all the weights associated to a variable are low or 0, it is equivalent to its removal. Again, generally speaking, models refinements will enhance these properties.

However, for tabular data, I've found simple feature ingineering to be be crucial for the following reasons :

  • It's important to understand your data. I've found feature engineering to be an important step to have a look at your features, spot data quality problems and deal with them. Generally this will help you build better models. On some occasion understanding the data and building relevant features even lead me to go out of deep learning and build way simpler models.

  • Full deep learning necessitate a lot of computational ressources (computational power, memory). In general those ressources are limited and you will be better by removing poor predictors beforehand. Overall it may even translate to better performance as you will be able to build more sophisticated models with your restricted ressources. Non linear transformation of your data may also help the convergence of your calibration process by reducing the impact of 'outliers'.

  • Deep learning model are difficult to explain. Removing non-predictive features and building more predictive features trough feature engineering will often help you in that purpose. Whatever is your explainability solution, feature engineering will probably make it better. (Note that it is not necessarily true for more complex feature engineering steps)

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