Solved – Dealing with multi seasonality in time series

fourier transformmultiple-seasonalitiesrtime series

I am new in R and time series analysis and need some help. I am currently trying to create a tool to forecast the demand of power for a company. On my data set I have 17550 observations that correspond to the demand on the last 17550 hours.

My approach to the problem was to try fit a time series with a multi seasonality approach. I tried using Fourier series terms as regressors, and as a first step I am checking the AIC values for certain combinations of the number of terms.

my code so far is:

Demand = head(MyData$Value,-1000)

aic_vals_temp <- NULL
aic_vals <- NULL

y1 <- msts(Demand,seasonal.periods=c(24, 168, 8766),ts.frequency=24)

for (i in 1:4) {
 for (j in 1:4){
  for (z in 1:4){

    z1 <- fourier(y1, K=c(i,j,z))
    fitma1 <- auto.arima(y1,D=0,max.P=0,max.Q=0,xreg=z1)
    aic_vals_temp <- cbind(i,j,z,fitma1$aic)
    aic_vals <- rbind(aic_vals,aic_vals_temp)

I want to test the influence of last day, last week and last year information. Am I doing this correctly so far? I have noticed that it takes a lot of time to get the AIC values.

Thanks a lot for your help in advance.

Best Answer

What you need to do is to identify whether or not there is an hourly effect , a daily effect, a monthly effect , a day-of-the-month effect , a week-of-the-month effects, lead and lag effects around holidays , long-weekend effects , level shifts , multiple trends and of course memory effects. All of this has to be simultaneously while taking into account pulses and possible changes in model error variance over time. slide 41- may help you understand this kind of approach. This is always easier when there is domain knowledge about possibly known other external events that may have contributed to variation.

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