R – DCC-GARCH: How to Test Restricted vs. Unrestricted Model with Likelihood Ratio Test

garchmultivariate analysisrtime series

I am writing a paper about contagion effect on financial markets. I have fitted a DCC-GARCH model using dccfit function from "rmgarch" package in R.
The results and the code are below:

garch.spec<-ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0)),variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(1,1),model="sGARCH"),distribution.model = "std")
dcc_garch.spec<-dccspec(uspec = multispec(replicate(5,garch.spec)),dccOrder = c(1,1),distribution = "mvnorm",fixed.pars=(c(0,0)))

*          DCC GARCH Fit          *

Distribution         :  mvnorm
Model                :  DCC(1,1)
No. Parameters       :  37
[VAR GARCH DCC UncQ] : [0+25+2+10]
No. Series           :  5
No. Obs.             :  2133
Log-Likelihood       :  33040.77
Av.Log-Likelihood    :  15.49 

Optimal Parameters
                Estimate  Std. Error   t value Pr(>|t|)
[set].mu       -0.000463    0.000236 -1.963445 0.049594
[set].omega     0.000007    0.000010  0.707854 0.479036
[set].alpha1    0.159600    0.039701  4.020008 0.000058
[set].beta1     0.826963    0.060240 13.727911 0.000000
[set].shape     4.298032    1.091724  3.936920 0.000083
[jci].mu        0.000279    0.000186  1.504632 0.132419
[jci].omega     0.000004    0.000016  0.270505 0.786772
[jci].alpha1    0.286313    0.176156  1.625338 0.104091
[jci].beta1     0.712686    0.387752  1.837997 0.066063
[jci].shape     3.374667    1.137219  2.967474 0.003003
[klci].mu       0.000190    0.000163  1.162613 0.244987
[klci].omega    0.000002    0.000013  0.141293 0.887639
[klci].alpha1   0.115581    0.183842  0.628695 0.529549
[klci].beta1    0.883419    0.162858  5.424485 0.000000
[klci].shape    3.992326    1.539661  2.592990 0.009515
[kospi].mu     -0.000017    0.000250 -0.067697 0.946027
[kospi].omega   0.000004    0.000005  0.758252 0.448300
[kospi].alpha1  0.118852    0.053993  2.201257 0.027718
[kospi].beta1   0.866701    0.062038 13.970540 0.000000
[kospi].shape  12.481904    3.682076  3.389909 0.000699
[psei].mu       0.000114    0.000199  0.570436 0.568382
[psei].omega    0.000004    0.000004  1.012793 0.311159
[psei].alpha1   0.123092    0.043843  2.807562 0.004992
[psei].beta1    0.871677    0.045946 18.971850 0.000000
[psei].shape    3.948307    0.367651 10.739287 0.000000
[Joint]dcca1    0.011300    0.004190  2.696611 0.007005
[Joint]dccb1    0.972213    0.015088 64.436650 0.000000

Information Criteria

Akaike       -30.946
Bayes        -30.848
Shibata      -30.946
Hannan-Quinn -30.910

Elapsed time : 10.4624 

I need to test the total significance of parameters.
H0: alpha = beta = 0
H1: alpha =! 0 OR beta =! 0

To do that I need a test statistic:

$$D = -2(\ln Mz – \ln Mp),$$

where $\ln Mp$ is the log-likelihood of the full DCC model (in my case 33040.77) and $\ln Mz$ is the log-likelihood of the reduced DCC model, where alpha and beta equal 0.

I have no idea how I can built reduced DCC model and how to get log-likelihood of it. Do you have any idea how to do that?

Best Answer

You can set fixed parameters in the individual GARCH specifications:

garch.spec <- ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0)), 
  variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(1,1), model="sGARCH"), 
  distribution.model = "std",
  fixed.pars=list(alpha1 = 0, beta1 = 0)