Solved – Datasets for data visualization examples, teaching and research

data visualizationdatasetteaching

I am searching for existing datasets that we can use to test several datavis techniques we are researching.

I know several resources like those included in R (try plot(Orange) or see here).

But I'd like to take it one step forward:

  • Which are the best real-world datasets to test a visualization tool?
  • Which datasets have you used in academic papers or teaching slides about datavis?
  • Which is the best example from the real world to show the advantages of graphing?

Best Answer

There are large number of databases available on internet. Depending on the subject, you can get different sources.

For example, in Human Development subject area you can have data sources at (

For Climate change observation, there is a web with high resolution climate data at (, for example:

Both examples, contains real data, used in published scientific papers, with large quantity of data. Time related and/or space related data. Visualization possibilities of those data are endless.