Solved – Cross Validation folds in LibSVM


how the folds in cross validation of libSVM are done?, I mean, the splits are done aleatory? for example if I have 100 data and it is 4-fold then when it is an aleatory folding then can be splited like this?

  • 20-45 : fold1
  • 45-70 : fold2
  • 70-95 : fold3
  • 95-20 : fold4

or it make the folds always starting from the first one:

  • 1-25 : fold1
  • 25-50 : fold2
  • 50-75 : fold3
  • 75-100 : fold4

so how can I choose which kind on folding I want to use?

Thank you for your answers

Best Answer

I think you misunderstand the way folds are generated in cross-validation. In cross-validation, your data set is partitioned at random into a specific number of folds.* The data is not partitioned as you would slice a pie (e.g. adjacent instances belonging to the same fold).

*: in stratified cross-validation the class balance in the overall data set is maintained across folds.