Solved – Cross validation and train test split

cross-validationhyperparametermachine learningregression

I am having a fundamental doubt about cross validation. I know that cross validation trains the model on dataset keeping aside a part of it for testing the model and each for each iteration the train/test dataset is different.

But my main concern is which approach among below is correct

Approach 1

Should I pass the entire dataset for cross-validation and get the best model paramters

Approach 2

  1. Do a train test split of data
  2. Pass X_train and y_train for cross-validation (Cross validation will be done only on X_train and y_train. Model will never see X_test, y_test)
  3. Test the model with best parameters obtained from cross-validation of X_train and y_train on X_test and y_test

Concerns with Approach 1

How will I validate the model if it is trained on entire dataset

Concerns with Approach 2

The parameters obtained for this approach will be biased to what data is present in X_train and y_train.How to get rid of this bias

Best Answer

Your approaches are unclear. So, here is my simple explanation of cross validation. Cross-validation is done to tune the hyperparamaters such that the model trained generalizes well (by validating it on validation data). So here is a basic version of held-out cross-validation:

  1. Train test(actually validation) split the data to obtain XTrain, yTrain, XVal, yVal

  2. Select a set of hyperparameter grid you want to search on.

  3. For ith hyperparameter combination:

    a. Train(fit) model on XTrain, yTrain

    b. Evaluate the model

    c. Evaluate the model on XVal, yVal i.e., compute the performance metric (accuracy, auc, f1, etc).

  4. After 3, select the hyperparameter combination which provides best performance metric.

There are other flavors of cross-validation like k-fold cross validation and iterated cross-validation which work better.

EDIT: For doing k-fold cross-validation, you don't need to split the data into training and validation set, it is done by splitting the training data into k-folds, each one of which will be used as a validation set in training the other (k-1) folds together as training set. The evaluation metric will then be the average of the evaluation metrics in the k iterations.

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