Solved – Cross tabulation of two categorical variables: recommended techniques

association-measurecategorical datacontingency tables

I'm aware that this one is far from yes or no question, but I'd like to know which techniques do you prefer in categorical data analysis – i.e. cross tabulation with two categorical variables.

I've come up with:

  • χ2 test – well, this is quite self-explanatory
    • Fisher's exact test – when n < 40,
    • Yates' continuity correction – when n > 40,
  • Cramer's V – measure of association for tables which have more than 2 x 2 cells,
  • Φ coefficient – measure of association for 2 x 2 tables,
  • contingency coefficient (C) – measure of association for n x n tables,
  • odds ratio – independence of two categorical variables,
  • McNemar marginal homogeniety test,

And my question here is: Which statistical techniques for cross-tabulated data (two categorical variables) do you consider relevant (and why)?

Best Answer

I think you need to rework this question. It all depends on the problem/data which has generated the cross-tab.

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