Solved – Cross-loading opposite sign items in EFA

factor analysis

I've seen some similar questions to this, but nothing spot on so I thought I'd ask.

I'm running an EFA with 54 items (and going with the 3 factor solution as it has the least cross-loadings and simplest structure) and it is largely turning out as I would hope with a few exceptions. Most notably, I have a good bit of cross-loading items. However, often they cross-load with the opposite sign!

So for example, item A should theoretically load on Factor1, which is "positive things" and it does @ .52. It also loads on the "negative things" Factor2, however, @ -.35.

Technically, this is a GREATER than .2 difference and I can ignore it, however, I remember someone once telling me that the signs matter less than the magnitude. So, if I look at just the absolute values, it is less than a .2 difference and I should discard the item. Which is correct?

I am using promax rotation (oblique) with an N of about 400.

Best Answer

So for example, item A should theoretically load on Factor1, which is "positive things" and it does @ .52. It also loads on the "negative things" Factor2, however, @ -.35.

This is what you would expect.

Imagine that you had two different factors one that represents positive emotion and one that represents negative emotion.

Now imagine we have the following item.

I feel that life is very rewarding. (1-5 likert scale)

We would predict that this item would load positively on our positive emotion factor and negatively on our negative emotion factor.

Technically, this is a GREATER than .2 difference and I can ignore it, however, ... So, if I look at just the absolute values, it is less than a .2 difference and I should discard the item

I don't know whether you should ignore values <.2. I have not heard this particular advice. Whereas, the sign change we can explain the decision on what you should ignore is more subjective.

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