Solved – Cross correlation influenced by self auto correlation

autoregressivecross correlationr

I have two stationary time series ts1, ts2, I wanna find the cross correlation ($\textrm{CCF}$) between them. As a result, it show a significant correlation on lag 0, and 1 days. However, it also shows significant auto-correlation on 1 day lag inside each time series. I doubt the cross correlation between two time series are influenced by the $\textrm{ACF}$ inside each time series. Could anyone help? Should I use prewhitening like mentioned here ? However, I am doubting that turning the data into white noise will lose some valuable information which also reflect their correlation.

Best Answer

Pre-whitening is definitely the way to go. It does not change the relationship but enables identification of the relationship between the original series.. Care should be taken to identify any deterministic structure in the original series and develop the pre-whitening filters in conjunction with them . See for a review which highlights Transfer Function identification. If you wish you can post your data in an excel format and I will try and explain each step.

EDITED AFTER RECEIPT OF DATA:enter image description here

120 values for Y (STOCK1) and X (STOCK2) were analyzed utilizing guidelines using an automatic option available in AUTOBOX a commercially available system which I have helped develop. Modelling is an iterative,self-checking process, which extracts structure from the data (with possible model pre-specification) and culminates in a parsimonious equation. I will try and walk through the steps showing details from the automatic process which is faithful to the PSU reference.

The intial pre-whitening filters for X and Y are shown here enter image description here enter image description here . Each of the two series is non-stationary and each one required one order of differencing to obtain stationarity.

The pre-whitened cross-correlations and proportional Impulse Response Weights are enter image description here . AUTOBOX in a conservative mode INITALLY suggests 1 lag in the differnce of X enter image description here . estimation and diagnostic checking enter image description here suggests the need to add a second lag to the model .enter image description here . Intervention detection examines the need to accomodate unspecified deterministic structure and suggests a pulse at period 8 enter image description here which is not significant. Step-down leads to the finaenter image description herel model and here enter image description here . The model's residuals are plotted here enter image description here . The Actual/Fit and Forenter image description hereecast (based upon future expectations of X and the model) are here .

All Transfer Functons can be expressed as Regression-type equations aiding interpretation by humans. The model in this form is enter image description here

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