Solved – Cross Correlation and Prewhitening

arimacross correlationrregressiontime series

I am using cross correlation to demonstrate a potential link between two time series (ext & co). Both series are strongly autocorrelated, so it is difficult to assess the dependence between the two series. For a quick preliminary analysis, the cross correlation shows a clear (somehow delayed) link between the two time series, although it might spurious. CCF. Prewhitening seems to be the best option; I will prewhiten my x variable by fitting an ARIMA process and then use the coefficients to filter my variable y. My question is if I should estimate the coefficients of the ARIMA process (for example using auto.arima) using my series x or by using the residuals of the OLS regression of x on y.

Best Answer

Yes Luigi your approach is the preferred one. The right question is being answered though a single filter pre-whitening operation (not two filters !) . See for a basic ( largely correct) primer on this approach. Note that the single filter does not distort but clarifies any predictive relationship between the two original series.