T-Test – Critical Effect Sizes and Power for Paired T-Tests


Is there some sort of easy way to calculate the required sample size for a paired t-test with an effect size of 2 standard deviations? In my line of work, we often use an effect size of 2SD from the mean for power and sample size calculation with independent t-tests but I'm not sure how to adapt that to a paired t-test. I'm not even sure if that typed of effect size makes sense for a dependent t-test. Thanks for the help.

Best Answer

Yes, this is possible and even fairly easy, but additional information is required. Specifically, we have to make an assumption about what the correlation between the observations from each pair are.

The effect size as a difference in standard deviation units is usually referred to as $d$. We can apply a correction factor to $d$ to incorporate the information about the aforementioned correlation, and then we can use our standard power formulae with this corrected $d$ (making sure to also mind the change in degrees of freedom associated with moving to the paired design) to compute power. The corrected $d$ is $$ d_o = \frac{d}{\sqrt{1-r}}, $$ where $r$ is the correlation. I have called this $d_o$ because this is sometimes referred to as the "operative effect size."

Here is a little R routine that computes a table of minimum number of PAIRS as a function of the assumed correlation and the desired power level, with $d=2$ assumed.

library(pwr) # package for pwr.t.test() function
             # may need to install first with install.packages()

# define a function to get the minimum number of pairs
# for a given correlation and desired power level
getN <- function(r,p){
  unlist(mapply(pwr.t.test, d=2/sqrt(1-r), power=p,
    MoreArgs=list(n=NULL, sig.level=.05, type="paired"))["n",])

# apply this function to all combinations of the parameters below
tab <- outer(seq(0,.95,.05), c(.7,.8,.9,.95,.99,.999), "getN")
dimnames(tab) <- list("Correlation"=seq(0,.95,.05),

Which returns the following:

Correlation      0.7      0.8      0.9     0.95     0.99    0.999
       0    3.767546 4.220731 4.912411 5.544223 6.888820 8.656788
       0.05 3.691858 4.126240 4.787326 5.389850 6.669683 8.350091
       0.1  3.615930 4.031562 4.662220 5.235637 6.451021 8.044096
       0.15 3.539645 3.936653 4.537050 5.081483 6.232774 7.738792
       0.2  3.462940 3.841433 4.411750 4.927417 6.014903 7.434270
       0.25 3.385708 3.745774 4.286234 4.773338 5.797404 7.130529
       0.3  3.307922 3.649640 4.160447 4.619143 5.580267 6.827580
       0.35 3.229382 3.552889 4.034209 4.464751 5.363362 6.525430
       0.4  3.149970 3.455310 3.907393 4.309986 5.146613 6.224026
       0.45 3.069435 3.356743 3.779777 4.154653 4.929824 5.923282
       0.5  2.987581 3.256903 3.651065 3.998456 4.712773 5.623032
       0.55 2.904079 3.155423 3.520841 3.841020 4.495111 5.323066
       0.6  2.818472 3.051834 3.388672 3.681805 4.276260 5.022875
       0.65 2.730145 2.945449 3.253781 3.520048 4.055501 4.721751
       0.7  2.638237 2.835369 3.115118 3.354639 3.831565 4.418560
       0.75 2.541442 2.720152 2.971074 3.183823 3.602697 4.111397
       0.8  2.437713 2.597460 2.819127 3.004879 3.365682 3.796879
       0.85 2.323340 2.463226 2.654597 2.812710 3.114890 3.468745
       0.9  2.190677 2.309002 2.467897 2.596901 2.838233 3.113596
       0.95 2.018024 2.110699 2.231866 2.327720 2.501567 2.692358

Note that $d=2$ is considered in many fields quite a large effect size, so the resulting minimum numbers of pairs are all quite low.

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