Covariance Matrix for Linear Combination of Correlated Gaussian Variables

correlationcovariance-matrixnormal distribution

Supposing $X$ and $Y$ are random variables with a joint bivariate normal distribution and covariance matrix $\Sigma_{XY}$. Consider the following linear combination for constants $A$, $B$ and $C$:

$$Z = AX + BY + C$$

This Cross Validated post states that $Y$ will be normally distributed according to:

AX+BY+C \sim \mathcal{N}\left[
\left(\begin{matrix}A& B \end{matrix}\right)
\left(\begin{matrix}\mu_X\\\mu_Y\end{matrix}\right) + C,
\left(\begin{matrix}A & B \end{matrix}\right)\Sigma_{X,Y} \left(\begin{matrix}A^T \\ B^T \end{matrix}\right)\right]

However I would like to know how to compute the covariance matrix $\Sigma_{X,Y,Z}$. How can I calculate the correlation between the new variable $Z$ and the old variables $X$ and $Y$ i.e. $corr(Z,X)$ and $corr(Z,Y)$?

Best Answer

If $X$ and $Y$ are correlated (univariate) normal random variables and $Z = AX+BY+C$, then the linearity of expectation and the bilinearity of the covariance function gives us that

\begin{align} E[Z] &= AE[X] + BE[Y] + C,\tag{1}\\ \operatorname{cov}(Z,X) &= \operatorname{cov}(AX+BY+C,X) = A\operatorname{var}(X) + B\operatorname{cov}(Y,X)\\ \operatorname{cov}(Z,Y) &= \operatorname{cov}(AX+BY+C,Y) = B\operatorname{var}(Y) + A\operatorname{cov}(X,Y)\\ \operatorname{var}(Z) &= \operatorname{var}(AX+BY+C) \quad = A^2\operatorname{var}(X) + B^2\operatorname{var}(Y) + 2AB \operatorname{cov}(X,Y), \tag{2}\\ \end{align} but it is not necessarily true that $Z$ is a normal (a.k.a Gaussian) random variable. That $X$ and $Y$ are jointly normal random variables is sufficient to assert that $Z = AX+BY+C$ is a normal random variable. Note that $X$ and $Y$ are not required to be independent; they can be correlated as long as they are jointly normal. For examples of normal random variables $X$ and $Y$ that are not jointly normal and yet their sum $X+Y$ is normal, see the answers to Is joint normality a necessary condition for the sum of normal random variables to be normal?. As pointed out at the end of my own answer there, joint normality means that all linear combinations $aX+bY$ are normal, whereas in the special case being discussed there, only one linear combination $X+Y$ of non-jointly normal random variables is proven to be normal; most other linear combinations are not normal.

More generally, if $X$ and $Y$ are (column) $n$-vector random variables with $n\times n$ covariance matrices $\Sigma_{X,X}$, $\Sigma_{Y,Y}$, and $n\times n$ crosscovariance matrix $\Sigma_{X,Y}$, $A$ and $B$ are $m\times n$ nonrandom matrices, and $Z$ and $C$ (column) $m$-vectors, then it is indeed true that \begin{align} E[Z] &= AE[X] + BE[Y] + C &\quad \scriptstyle{\text{compare with } (1)}\\ \Sigma_{Z,Z} &= A\Sigma_{X,X}A^T + B\Sigma_{Y,Y}B^T +2A\Sigma_{X,Y}B^T &\quad \scriptstyle{\text{compare with } (2)}\\ \end{align} but, as in the univariate case, it is not necessarily true that $Z$ is a normal vector (in the sense that the $m$ components $Z_i$ are jointly normal random variables). Once again, joint normality of $(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n, Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_n)$ suffices to allow the assertion that $Z$ is a normal random vector.