Solved – Covariance between two random matrices


I have two random matrices (matrix-valued random variables) $X$ and $Y$, both of dimension $n \times n$. Is there a notion of covariance between the two random matrices, i.e., $\text{Cov}(X,Y)$? If yes, how can I calculate it?

Best Answer

The most common thing to do is probably to simply consider the covariance between the entries of the matrices. Defining $\DeclareMathOperator{\vec}{\mathrm{vec}}\vec(A)$ to be the vectorization of a matrix $A$ (that is, stack up the columns into a single column vector), you can look at $\DeclareMathOperator{\Cov}{\mathrm{Cov}}\Cov(\vec(X), \vec(Y))$. This is then an $mn \times mn$ matrix.

If you preferred, you could instead define an $m \times n \times m \times n$ tensor, which would be essentially the same thing, just reshaped.

In e.g. the matrix normal distribution, we assume that the covariance matrix of the single random matrix $X$ factors as the Kronecker product of an $m \times m$ row covariance $U$ and an $n \times n$ column covariance $V$, in which case you can often just work with $U$ or $V$.