Solved – Correlation coefficient & Regression: Intercept


Key points I have in mind, and then followed by my question:
1. I have a regression linear model with a set of attributes and their coefficients.
2. I also ran a correlation analysis on these attributes to check for any correlations
3. question:
Assume I am inspecting the correlation between 2 variables (considered independent variables in this case, when we look at correlation): if corr = -0.22, how would the intercept factor in? or would it at all?
Y~a1X+a2V+ b
Does this correlation coefficient include any indication about the intercept?

Best Answer

The correlation won't tell you anything about the intercept. The intercept can be interpreted as the average value of Y when X = 0. So, by definition the sign of the correlation between X and Y does not have any influence on the intercept of Y, since X is zeroed out.

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