Solved – Correct number of degrees of freedom for reduced chi square of linear regression

chi-squared-testdegrees of freedomlinear

I have a set of $N$ x,y points for which I perform a simple linear regression of the form $y=a x+b$.

I need to calculate the reduced chi square ($\chi^2_{\nu}$) to asses the goodness of fit of this regression. According to Wikipedia, the number of degrees of freedom is:

The degree of freedom, $\nu =n-m$, equals the number of observations $n$ minus the number of fitted parameters $m$.

Given that I have 2 fitted parameters, $a$ and $b$, I'd have

$\nu = N – 2$

But I've seen in a blog post with Python code to obtain the reduced chi square, that $\nu$ is calculated as:


The number of points I'm fitting is rather small ($N<10$), so an extra $-1$ will affect the value of my $\chi^2_{\nu}$ quite a bit.

Which is the correct formula for obtaining the degrees of freedom and why?

Best Answer

$v=n-m$ is correct. Explaining Degrees of Freedom is a complicated and I doubt that I understand it well enough to explain. Here is an article that is very useful:

Edit See Glen_b's comment below.

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