Solved – Correct formula for standardized Student’s t-distribution


I am wondering about the correct formula of the standardized Student's t distribution. In the rugarch package on page 15 it is given as:

Substituting $\frac{(\nu-2)}{\nu}$ into 49 we obtain the standardized
Student's distribution: $$

whereas from a book (Carol Alexander Market Risk Analysis, Quantiative Methods in Finance, Vol. 1 page 99) I have the following formula:

Setting $\mu=0$ and $\beta\nu=\nu-2$ in (I.3.55) given the density for
the standardized Student t distribution, i.i. the Student t
distribution with zero expercation and unit variance. This that the
density function $$

Now I don't know which of them is the correct one? Why is there an additional $\frac{1}{\sigma}$ in the first formula?

Best Answer

The $\frac{1}{\sigma}$ comes from the garch volatility. So this should not be relevant in this context.