Solved – Convert an interval variable to ordinal in SPSS


I am currently conducting a study on reverse mortgages for my master thesis, and I'd like to convert one interval variable into ordinal in order to run a ordinal probit regression analysis.

My interval variable is: "A reverse mortgage is generally a good deal" –> 1-7 Likert scale (where 1 = totally disagree, 4 =neutral, 7 = totally agree).

How can I how transform this variable?

Best Answer

This is unclear.

  1. If your variable is on a 1(1)7 scale already, then it's ordinal already; how you tell SPSS that is a detail beyond the scope of this site. See the Help Center for advice on software-related questions.

  2. If your variable is currently in some other form, then you need to explain what that form is to get advice on how to convert.

I find it hard to imagine how a variable answering the question "A reverse mortgage is generally a good deal" can be on an interval scale, but that's what you need to explain.