Solved – Control variables in experiments

experiment-designrandom allocation

Assume you are trying to test the effect of condition X. You sample people randomly and put them in a manipulation group (condition X) and a control group (condition Y). Simultaneously you want to control for another variable, say gender, so you measure gender, and then when you compare the manipulation group to the control group you control for the gender variable (e.g. through including it in an ANCOVA or a regression).

Is it correct to control for gender in this way, or is it unnecessary, since the sample is random?

Best Answer

With random allocation to treatment and control groups, and as your sample size increases, it should become increasingly unnecessary to control for any covariates. However, if chance results in an unusually disproportionate number of females in one of your groups, it's certainly not wrong to control for gender in your analysis. But you will likely need to make it clear why you did control for it and others, or it and not others, by describing the characteristics of each group clearly.