Solved – Connection between time dummies and time fixed effects

fixed-effects-modelinterpretationleast squarespanel datapooling

If i use time dummies in a OLS pooled regression, does it imply time fixed effects?

Maybe to clear things up:
1)There is a pooled time -series-cross-section regression, the equation uses time dummies. The estimation Method is described as: OLS with time fixed effects.

2)Now I have another Paper: They used Panel Data and both bilateral fixed effects and year dummies to adjust for unobserved time invariant heterogeneity.
–> Are year dummies = time effects, and are they fixed?

3)Same Paper as in 2) uses now Panel Data with bilateral fixed effects and Country-and-Time effects [it, jt]. Are Country-and-time effects also fixed or are non fixed effects possible?

Would be nice if some one can answer my questions, it is really important for me. Thx

Best Answer

Ok, found this in internet:

"Time dummy is a variable which equals 1 for a given year and 0 for all other years. It allows to control for time-specific fixed effects i.e. shocks which impact is restricted to a given time-period, affects or panel units and are not controlled by other explanatory variables. " source:

And: " Year effects (more simply known as “year dummies”" Source:

So i think the use of Time dummies, are Time effects! But if time effects are always fixed I dont know.

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