Solved – Confusion related to predictive distribution of gaussian processes

gaussian processnormal distributionregression

I have this confusion related to the predictive distribution of gaussian process. I was reading this paper

enter image description here

I didn't get how the integration gave that result. What is P(u*|x*,u). Also how come the covariance of the posterior distribution is $\sigma^2(\sigma^2I+K)^{-1}K$

Best Answer

$P(u*|x*,u) ~ N(u(x*)$, $\sigma^2$), directly from the definition of $u*$.

Notice that integration of two Gaussian pdf is normalized. It can be shown from the fact that $$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}P(u^*|x^*, u)du^* =\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{u}P(u^*|x^*, u)P(u|s)dudu^* =\int_{u}P(u|s)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}P(u^*|x^*, u)du^*du =\int_{u}P(u|s)\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}N(u^*-u(x*); 0, \sigma^2)du^*du =\int_{u}P(u|s)du\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}N(u^*; 0, \sigma^2)du^* =1 $$

With normalization out of the way,

$\int_{u}P(u^*|x^*, u)P(u|s)du$ is integrated by the following tips:

  1. Substitute the 2 normal pdf into the equation and eliminate the terms independent of $u$, as we have already shown normalization.

  2. Using the completing the square trick for integrating multivariate exponential, i.e., construct a multivariate normal pdf with the remaining exponential terms. Refer to this youTube video.

  3. Eventually you are left with an exponential in terms of $u^*$, it can be observed that this is again a factor away from a normal pdf. Again, the proof of normalization gives us confidence that the final form is indeed a normal pdf. The pdf is the same as the one given in the original post.

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