Solved – Confusion related to elastic net

elastic netlassoregression

I was reading this article related to elastic net. They say that they use elastic net because if we just use Lasso it tends to select only one predictor among the predictors that are highly correlated. But isn't this what we want. I mean it saves us from the trouble of multicollinearity doesn't it.

Any suggestions/ clarifications?

Best Answer

Suppose two predictors have a strong effect on the response but are highly correlated in the sample from which you build your model. If you drop one from the model it won't predict well for samples from similar populations in which the predictors aren't highly correlated.

If you want to improve the precision of your coefficient estimates in the presence of multicollinearity you have to introduce a little bias, off-setting it by a larger reduction in variance. One way is by removing predictors entirely—with LASSO, or, in the old days, stepwise methods—, which is setting their coefficient estimates to zero. Another is by biasing all of the estimates a bit—with ridge regression, or, in the old days, regressing on the first few principal components. A drawback of the former is that it's very unsafe if the model will be used to predict responses for predictor patterns away from those that occurred in the original sample, as predictors tend to get excluded just because they're not much use together with other, nearly collinear, predictors. (Not that extrapolation is ever completely safe.) The elastic net is a mixture of the two, as @user12436 explains, & tends to keep groups of correlated predictors in the model.

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