Solved – Confusion Matrix Matlab has a 0% for a class during training

MATLABneural networks

When I train Multi-Layered Perceptron using Matlab for 6 classes, for one of the classes I get a 0% in GREEN in the confusion matrix. This leads to to a high error percent for the overall training, validation and testing. What is the cause for this and how may I resolve this problem ?

The training data has little more than 200 instances per class. There are a total of 1225 instances.

Target file is created as follows:
If there are 2 characters say A and B in the input then for each row in input matrix for character A there is a corresponding row in Target with 0,1 and for every character B there is a 1,0 row in target. So the input nodes in the NN will be 900 and output nodes will be 2 for this example.

Thanksenter image description here

Best Answer

I tried to reduce the dimensions of the input layer by using a different feature vector. This helped. When the input layer has a large number of neurons then the Neural Network requires a larger number of instances to train and find the best combinations of weights. When I reduce the number of neurons in the input layer then the number the weights that needs to be updated decreases too thus the NN converges.

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