Solved – Confusion matrix for events in a time series

confusion matrixtime series

I'm not big on statistics, so please excuse my ignorance.

I have a video recording that I want to evaluate, I have an algorithm that can transform this video into a time series where I have 0 everywhere except for a couple of frames where an event (A) occurs.

Then I have manual annotations of another event (B) that I think is related to the 1st event (A) (i.e. event B appears shortly after event A).

I want to construct a confusion matrix like this:

  1. Event A is condition, event B is "test"
  2. True positive value is when there is an event A and within 50 frames there is also event B
  3. False positive is when A is not present, but B is
  4. False negative is when A is present, but B is not

Now my problem is about True Negatives. If you do vaccine testing, you have a total number of tests, and you can quantify True Negatives without issue. But what about my case? I either have event A or B but True Negative is by definition everything else in the time series?

Does it make sense to even use confusion matrix?

Best Answer

Yes, the default value of 'no event found' would be a True Negative, just like any other "needle in a haystack" classification problem.

For binary classification usually you wouldn't call it a confusion matrix, the Precision and Recall terminology would be more clear.

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