Solved – Confidence Intervals for AUC using cross-validation

confidence intervalcross-validationroc

I am analyzing the performance of a predictive model with the AUC, area under the ROC curve. I repeat several times cross-validation, and I have different estimations of the AUC in each folder. For example, I repeat 10 times 10-fold CV and then, I have 100 estimations of AUC where I can calculate the MEAN(AUC) and the SD(AUC).
My question is: how could I use this for calculate a 95% confidence interval for the AUC?
These are some posible answers, but I am not sure if they are correct:

(1) Percentile 0.025 and 0.975 of the 100 sorted AUCs

(2) [ MEAN(AUC) – 1.96*SD(AUC) , MEAN(AUC) + 1.96*SD(AUC) ]

(3) [ MEAN(AUC) – 1.96*(SD(AUC)/sqrt(100)) , MEAN(AUC) + 1.96*(SD(AUC)/sqrt(100)) ]

Some comments:
– The (3) is similar to (2) but taking into account the sample size determined by the number of repetitions I decide to do, and then, it will be narrow if I increase these repetitions
– The intervals generated by (2) and (3) are symmetric

What do you think ?

Best Answer

Here is a sample of how you would do it in python.

from sklearn import cross_validation
scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(your_model, your_data, y, cv=10)
mean_score = scores.mean()
std_dev = scores.std()
std_error = scores.std() / math.sqrt(scores.shape[0])
ci =  2.262 * std_error
lower_bound = mean_score - ci
upper_bound = mean_score + ci

print "Score is %f +/-  %f" % (mean_score, ci)
print '95 percent probability that if this experiment were repeated over and    
over the average score would be between %f and %f' % (lower_bound, upper_bound)
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