Solved – Confidence interval in two tailed t test

hypothesis testingt-test

If I am doing a two tailed $t$ test, i.e my null and alternate hypothesis are

$$H_0: \mu = 0$$
$$H_1: \mu \neq 0,$$

then would I choose and $\alpha$ value of $0.05$ for a $95$% confidence interval or a value of $0.025$?

EDIT: Also, will be degrees of freedom be $n – 2$ or $n – 1$?

Best Answer

For a 95% confidence interval and a single test, by definition your significance ($\alpha$) is 5%.

However, this is not the same as the quantile(s) that you will use as a threshold, and I believe that is what is causing your confusion. You wish to chose the boundaries of the confidence interval such that there is only 5% chance of being outside that interval for values sampled according to that distribution. For a symmetric distribution (like the t distribution) and more importantly for a symmetric confidence interval, you pick them so that there is 2.5% chance of being to the left (smaller) of the interval and 2.5% chance of being to the right (larger). Thus, the confidence interval will be between the 2.5 percentile of that distribution and the 97.5 percentile.

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