Solved – Conducting a three-step Latent Class Analysis in R


I'm trying to conduct a Latent Class Analysis in R using the poLCA package, and I have now become stuck on two aspects of the process.

  1. I have conducted Latent Class Analysis separately for males and females, as it looks as though the variables behave differently in each. However, I am aware journals tend to want a significance test to assert that this separation was necessary – does anyone have any idea how to code this with poLCA objects?

  2. I am trying to use the three-step method to assign people to classes, based on that described by Asparouhov and Muthen ( Yet, again, I can't work out how to do it. I thought this reddit thread might help (, but I still don't understand (a) how to convert between the tables described, nor (b) how this data would then be used to assign each individual to a class.

Sorry that my descriptions of the issues are slightly vague; can anyone shed any light on either of them?

Best Answer

I can only comment on #1 for now. You are talking about fitting a multiple-group latent class model (link goes to UCLA website with a worked example in MPlus. This is a bit like differential item function in item response theory. In the latent class case, you would fit a multiple group model, then use Wald tests for the parameter estimates. You can obviously do this in MPlus, and I typed up the Stata syntax here.

Unfortunately, it appears that poLCA can't fit a multiple-group LCA. You can obviously fit the models separately, but I don't see a way to test if the parameters differ. I am not that conversant on the capabilities of other R packages, so I can't advise.

On #2, as I understand the article, you're talking about a method to estimate the relationship between latent classes and a distal (unrelated) outcome. We recently had a discussion about that and there is likely to be a simpler method than what Muthén and Asparaouhov proposed above, although I believe they critique the paper I was referencing in the link.

I've read the Muthén/Asparouhov article you linked, and right now, it is not making sense to me (not because I think they're wrong, but because I can't understand it). I may alter this answer if I read it and finally get it.