Solved – Conditional mass function of minimum of two discrete uniform random variables given the maximum

diceprobabilityself-studyuniform distribution

I'm revising for an upcoming exam with old assignment questions, but I got this one wrong at the time and we aren't given model solutions. Looking for advice on whether or not my second attempt for A) is correct,and if not a tip in the right direction, and any hints on part B), thank you.

Let $X$ and $Y$ denote the respective outcomes when two fair dice are thrown. Let $U=\text{min}(X,Y)$, $V=\text{max}(X,Y)$, $S = U+V$, and $T=V-U$

A) Determine the conditional probability mass function for $U$ given $V=v$

B) Determine the joint mass function for $S$ and $T$

My Attempt:


&=\frac{1}{18 \times P(\text{max}(x,y)=v)}

P(\text{max}(x,y)=v)&=P(X=v,Y\leq v)+P(Y=v,X\leq v)\\
&=2 \times P(X=v,Y\leq v)\quad \text{(By symmetry)} \\
&=2\times(1/6)\times (v/6)\\

Substituting back into the above gives the conditional distribution for $U$ given $V=v$ as $1/v$.

Edit: After revision the PMF for the maximum came out as (2v-1)/36 which means the above conditional pmf is definitely wrong


\vdots \\
I'm stuck here. A hint in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Draw a $6$" $\times$ $6$" square and divide it into a $6\times 6$ array of $36$ one-inch squares. Label the rows and columns with numbers $1$-$6$ and in each square, write down the values of $(X,Y)$, $U$, $V$, $S$ and $T$ in each square . Then, count!

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