Solved – Computing mathematical expectation of the correlation coefficient or $R^2$ in linear regression


I'm re-posting a question from, I think the current answer in is not right.

Select $n$ numbers from a set $\{1,2,…,U\}$, $y_i$ is the $i$th number selected, and $x_i$ is the rank of $y_i$ in the $n$ numbers. The selection is without replacement. $n$ is always smaller than $U$. The rank is the order of the a number after the $n$ numbers are sorted in ascending order.

We can get $n$ data points $(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), …, (x_n, y_n)$, And a best fit line for these data points can be found by linear regression. $r_{xy}$ (correlation coefficient) is the goodness of the fit line, I want to calculate $\mathbb{E}(r_{xy})$ or $\mathbb{E}(r_{xy}^2)$ (correlation of determination).

If the $\mathbb{E}[r_{xy}]$ cannot be calculated, an estimation or lower bound is still OK.

By calculating the sample correlation coefficient using randomly generated data, we can see that $r_{xy}$ is quite closed to 1, so I want to proof it from the theoretical view, or theoretically say the data generated by the above method is very linear.

Is it possible to get the distribution of sample correlation coefficient?

Best Answer

Re-arrange the problem in terms of new variables, so that $1\leq z_1<z_2<\dots<z_n\leq U$. Then we have $(x_i,y_i)=(x_i,z_{x_i})$, as @whuber pointed out in the comments. Thus you are effectively regressing $z_j$ on $j$, and $r_{xy}=r_{xz}$. Thus if we can work out the marginal distribution for $z_j$, and show that it is basically linear in $j$ the problem is done, and we will have $r_{xy}\sim 1$.

We first need the joint distribution for $z_1,\dots,z_n$. This is quite simple, after you have the solution, but I found it not straight forward before I did the maths. Just a brief lesson in doing maths paying off - so I will present the maths first, then the easy answer.

Now, the original joint distribution is $p(y_1,\dots,y_n)\propto 1$. Changing variables simply relabel things for discrete probabilities, and so the probability is still constant. However, the labelling is not 1-to-1, thus we can't simply write $p(z_1,\dots,z_n)=\frac{(U-n)!}{U!}$. Instead, we have

$$\begin{array}\\p(z_1,\dots,z_n)=\frac{1}{C} & 1\leq z_1<z_2<\dots<z_n\leq U\end{array}$$

And we can find $C$ by normalisation $$C=\sum_{z_n=n}^{U}\sum_{z_{n-1}=n-1}^{z_n-1}\dots\sum_{z_2=2}^{z_3-1}\sum_{z_1=1}^{z_2-1}(1)=\sum_{z_n=n}^{U}\sum_{z_{n-1}=n-1}^{z_n-1}\dots\sum_{z_2=2}^{z_3-1}(z_2-1)$$ $$=\sum_{z_n=n}^{U}\sum_{z_{n-1}=n-1}^{z_n-1}\dots\sum_{z_3=2}^{z_4-1}\frac{(z_3-1)(z_3-2)}{2}=\sum_{z_n=n}^{U}\dots\sum_{z_4=4}^{z_5-1}\frac{(z_4-1)(z_4-2)(z_4-3)}{(2)(3)}$$ $$=\sum_{z_n=n}^{U}\sum_{z_{n-1}=n-1}^{z_n-1}\dots\sum_{z_{j}=j}^{z_{j+1}-1}{z_j-1 \choose j-1}={U \choose n}$$

Which shows the relabeling ratio is equal to $\frac{(U-n)!}{U!}{U \choose n}=\frac{1}{n!}$ - for each $(z_1,\dots,z_n)$ there is $n!$ $(y_1,\dots,y_n)$ values. Makes sense because any permutation of the lables on $y_i$ leads to the same set of ranked $z_i$ values. Now, the marginal distribution $z_1$, we repeat above but with the sum over $z_1$ dropped, and a different range of summation for the remainder, namely, the minimums change from $(2,\dots,n)$ to $(z_1+1,\dots,z_1+n-1)$, and we get:

$$p(z_1)=\sum_{z_n=z_1+n-1}^{U}\;\;\sum_{z_{n-1}=z_1+n-2}^{z_n-1}\dots\sum_{z_2=z_1+1}^{z_3-1}p(z_1,z_2,\dots,z_n)=\frac{{U-z_1 \choose n-1}}{{U \choose n}}$$

With support $z_1\in\{1,2,\dots,U+1-n\}$. This form, combined with a bit of intuition shows that the marginal distribution of any $z_j$ can be reasoned out by:

  1. choosing $j-1$ values below $z_j$, which can be done in ${z_j-1\choose j-1}$ ways (if $z_j\geq j$);
  2. choosing the value $z_j$, which can be done 1 way; and
  3. choosing $n-j$ values above $z_j$ which can be done in ${U-z_j\choose n-j}$ ways (if $z_j\leq U+j-n$)

This method of reasoning will effortly generalise to joint distributions, such as $p(z_j,z_k)$ (which can be used to calculate the expected value of the sample covariance if you want). Hence we have:

$$\begin{array}{c c}\\p(z_j)=\frac{{z_j-1\choose j-1}{U-z_j\choose n-j}}{{U \choose n}} & j\leq z_j\leq U+j-n \\p(z_j,z_k)=\frac{{z_j-1\choose j-1}{z_k-z_j-1 \choose k-j-1}{U-z_k\choose n-k}}{{U \choose n}} & j\leq z_j\leq z_k+j-k\leq U+j-n \end{array}$$

Now the marginal is the pdf of a negative hypergeometric distribution with parameters $k=j,r=n,N=U$ (in terms of the paper's notation). Now this is clear not linear exactly in $j$, but the marginal expectation for $z_j$ is


This is indeed linear in $j$, and you would expect beta coefficient of $\frac{U+1}{n+1}$ from the regression, and intercept of zero.


I stopped my answer a bit short before. Have now completed hopefully a more complete answer

Letting $\overline{j}=\frac{n+1}{2}$, and $\overline{z}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}z_j$, the expected square of the sample covariance between $j$ and $z_j$ is given by:

$$E[s_{xz}^2]=E\left[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}(j-\overline{j})(z_j-\overline{z})\right]^2$$ $$=\frac{1}{n^2}\left[\sum_{j=1}^{n}(j-\overline{j})^2E(z_j^2)+2\sum_{k=2}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{k-1}(j-\overline{j})(k-\overline{j})E(z_jz_k)\right]$$

So we need $E(z_j^2)=V(z_j)+E(z_j)^2=Aj^2+Bj$, where $A=\frac{(U+1)(U+2)}{(n+1)(n+2)}$ and $B=\frac{(U+1)(U-n)}{(n+1)(n+2)}$ (using the formula in the pdf file). So the first sum becomes

$$\sum_{j=1}^{n}(j-\overline{j})^2E(z_j^2)=\sum_{j=1}^{n}(j^2-2j\overline{j}+\overline{j}^2)(Aj^2+Bj)$$ $$=\frac{n(n-1)(U+1)}{120}\bigg( U(2n+1)+(3n-1)\bigg)$$

We also need $E(z_jz_k)=E[z_j(z_k-z_j)]+E(z_j^2)$.

$$E[z_j(z_k-z_j)]=\sum_{z_k=k}^{U+k-n}\sum_{z_j=j}^{z_k+j-k}z_j(z_k-z_j) p(z_j,z_k)$$ $$=j(k-j)\sum_{z_k=k}^{U+k-n}\sum_{z_j=j}^{z_k+j-k}\frac{{z_j\choose j}{z_k-z_j \choose k-j}{U-z_k\choose n-k}}{{U \choose n}}=j(k-j)\sum_{z_k=k}^{U+k-n}\frac{{z_k+1 \choose k+1}{U+1-(z_k+1)\choose n-k}}{{U \choose n}}$$ $$=j(k-j)\frac{{U+1\choose n+1}}{{U \choose n}}=j(k-j)\frac{U+1}{n+1}$$ $$\implies E(z_jz_k)=jk\frac{U+1}{n+1}+j^2\frac{(U+1)(U-n)}{(n+1)(n+2)}+j\frac{(U+1)(U-n)}{(n+1)(n+2)}$$

And the second sum is:

$$2\sum_{k=2}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{k-1}(j-\overline{j})(k-\overline{j})E(z_jz_k)$$ $$=\frac{n(U+1)(n-1)}{720(n+2)}\bigg(6(U-n)(n^3-2n^2-9n-2) + (n+2)(5 n^3- 24 n^2- 35 n +6)\bigg)$$

And so after some rather tedious manipulations, you get for the expected value of the squared covariance of:


Now if we have $U>>n$, then the first term dominates as it is $O(U^2n^2)$, whereas the second term is $O(Un^3)$. We can show that the dominant term is well approximated by $E[s_{x}^2s_{z}^2]$, and we have another theoretical reason why the pearson correlation is very close to $1$ (beyond the fact that $E(z_j)\propto j$).

Now the expected sample variance of $j$ is just the sample variance, which is $s_x^2=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}(j-\overline{j})^2=\frac{(n+1)(n-1)}{12}$. The expected sample variance for $z_j$ is given by:

$$E[s_z^2]=E\left[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}(z_j-\overline{z})^2\right]=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}E(z_j^2)-\left[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}E(z_j)\right]^2$$ $$=\frac{A(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}+\frac{B(n+1)}{2}-\frac{(U+1)^2}{4}$$ $$=\frac{(U+1)(U-1)}{12}$$

Combining everything together, and noting that $E[s_x^2s_z^2]=s_x^2E[s_z^2]$, we have:

$$E[s_x^2s_z^2]=\frac{(n+1)(n-1)(U+1)(U-1)}{144}\approx \frac{(n-1)(n-2)U(U+1)}{120}\approx E[s_{xz}^2]$$

Which is approximately the same thing as $E[r_{xz}^2]\approx 1$