Likelihood Computation – Methods for Calculating Likelihood When n Is Very Large


I am trying to compute this posterior distribution:


The problem is that the numerator, which is the product of a bunch of $\text{Bernoulli}(p_i,y_i)$ probabilities is too small. (My $n$ is large, about 1500).

Hence, the posterior values for all $\theta$ all get calculated to be 0 (I am doing calculations in R).

To clarify, each $y_i$ has its own $p_i$, together these $p_i$'s make a vector of $n$ elements for $n$ $y$'s. Each $\theta$ has its own $n$-element vector of $p_i$.

EDIT: Adding a reproducing example (for the numerator)

p <- sample(seq(0,1,by=0.01), 1500, replace=T)
y <- sample(c(0,1), 1500, replace=T)
dbern(y, p) # 1500-element vector, each element is < 1
prod(dbern(y, p)) # produce 0
exp(sum(log(dbern(y, p)))) # produce 0 since the sum is very negative

Best Answer

This is a common problem with computation of likelihoods for all manner of models; the kinds of things that are commonly done are to work on logs, and to use a common scaling factor that bring the values into a more reasonable range.

In this case, I'd suggest:

Step 1: Pick a fairly "typical" $\theta$, $\theta_0$. Divide the formula for both numerator and denominator of the general term by the numerator for $\theta = \theta_0$, in order to get something that will be much less likely to underflow.

Step 2: work on the log scale, this means that the numerator is an exp of sums of differences of logs, and the denominator is a sum of exp of sums of differences of logs.

NB: If any of your p's are 0 or 1, pull those out separately and don't take logs of those terms; they're easy to evaluate as is!

[In more general terms this scaling-and-working-on-the-log-scale can be seen as taking a set of log-likelihoods, $l_i$ and doing this: $\log(\sum_i e^{l_i})= c+\log(\sum_i e^{l_i−c})$. An obvious choice for $c$ is to make the largest term 0, which leaves us with: $\log(\sum_i e^{l_i})= \max_i(l_i)+\log(\sum_i e^{l_i−\max_i(l_i)})$. Note that when you have a numerator and denominator you could use the same $c$ for both, which will then cancel. In the above, that corresponds to taking the $\theta_0$ with the highest log-likelihood.]

The usual terms in the numerator will tend to be more moderate in size, and so in many situations the numerator and denominator are both relatively reasonable.

If there are a range of sizes in the denominator, add up the smaller ones before adding the larger ones.

If only a few terms dominate heavily, you should focus your attention on making the computation for those relatively accurate.

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