Solved – Comparing the difference in change in repeated measures ordinal variables between two groups

multivariate analysisordinal-dataregressionrepeated measuresspss

I have two groups of patients, those with (OSA) and those without (nOSA) sleep apnoea.
Patients were scheduled to undergo a surgical procedure (Sx). Each patient completed a type of quality of life survey before (pre-Sx) and after (post-Sx) surgery. Each question in the quality of life survey is scored 0, 1, 2, 3 (with 0 being the "best" and 3 being the "worst").

I want to find answer a specific question, but am unsure which test is most appropriate –
Was the change in quality of life (change in the ordinal variable) following the surgery different for OSA versus nOSA patients?
We suspect that the OSA group has a greater change in quality of life after surgery, compared with the nOSA group.

So I need some kind of test which can compare the change in the distribution of the scores between the two groups?

Or would it make sense to some kind of multivariate analysis and use "OSA/nOSA" as a variable and see if it significantly contributes to the change in quality of life after surgery. Could I do a multivariate regression model of some kind?

Using SPSS…

Any insights most welcome!

Best Answer

If you are familiar with ordinal logistic regression models and mixed-effects models with lmer in the lme4 package in R, you may want to check out the clmm (cumulative link mixed models) function in the ordinal package. This function, built on lmer, may prove especially useful if you have covariates to control for.

I suppose this answer may be more relevant to Brian's problem than that of @user45094; I am not sure if SPSS has something like cumulative link mixed models.

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