AIC Comparison – Comparing Non-Nested Models with AIC

aiclme4-nlmemixed modelnested-modelsr

Say we have to GLMMs

mod1 <- glmer(y ~ x + A + (1|g), data = dat)
mod2 <- glmer(y ~ x + B + (1|g), data = dat)

These models are not nested in the usual sense of:

a <- glmer(y ~ x + A + (1|g),     data = dat)
b <- glmer(y ~ x + A + B + (1|g), data = dat)

so we can't do anova(mod1, mod2) as we would with anova(a ,b).

Can we use AIC to say which is the best model instead?

Best Answer

The AIC can be applied with non nested models. In fact, this is one of the most extended myths (misunderstandings?) about AIC. See:

One thing you have to be careful about is to include all the normalising constants, since these are different for the different (non-nested) models:

See also:

In the context of GLMM a more delicate question is how reliable is the AIC for comparing this sort of models (see also @BenBolker's). Other versions of the AIC are discussed and compared in the following paper: