Solved – Comparing mean difference of categorical variables

categorical datameanordinal-datastata

I want to check if attrition is a problem. So I want to check if the mean of people who dropped out from a survey is significantly different from the mean of those people who took part. However, the variable I want to check this for is a categorical variable (maternal education, split up in three categories: no education, primary education, secondary education and above).

If I compare the mean of this categorical variable of the people who took part and those who didn't, can I still use a t-test (e.g. Welch test) or do I have to use another test?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

I suggest using a cumulative-link regression that predicts the education level with one binary study status factor (dropped out/stayed in); see ordinal package in R.

If your stats package doesn't have an ordinal regression function like this, you could use a series of logistic regressions, e.g.,

  • no education (0) vs primary education (1) predicted by study status
  • primary education (0) vs secondary + education (1) predicted by study status

It's not appropriate to use a t-test (or non-parametric t-test like wilcoxon) with the ordinal data you have because the difference between the levels in your dependent variable is not reflected in the value-assignment that is being discussed in this post.

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