Solved – Compare two samples from same population taken at different times

chi-squared-testhypothesis testingproportion;

I have two samples (both n > 1000) taken from the same population. The first sample is taken in one year, say at t0, and the the other sample is taken a year after, say at t1. There are different people in the different samples, i.e. I do not have two measurements from the same person at t0 and t1. How do I test whether some proportion in the population has changed from t0 to t1?

My initial thought was to do a chi-squared test for difference in proportion, but I am not sure whether this is valid when the two samples are not from two populations. I have also considered doing a one-way within groups ANOVA.

Best Answer

If both samples come from the same population then they would have the same characteristics but since due to sampling there is randomness involved, we could not be able to measure it precisely and we could obtain different sample characteristics. Comparing two samples from the same population would only tell you something about how precise are your measurements.

If you are comparing individuals as measured on time $t$ to individuals as measured on time $t+k$, then you are dealing with two samples, each taken from the different population. Population in statistics is simply a group of cases sharing some property of interest.

Check this question for a discussion of a similar misconception. Check also here, here and here.