Solved – CNN vs fully connected network for image recognition

neural networks

Does anyone know how the accuracy of CNNs compare with fully connected networks for image recognition? Also are CNNs good at anything other than image recognition? I couldn't find anything on Google, a link or explanation would be good.

Best Answer

Fully connected neural networks are good enough classifiers, however they aren't good for feature extraction. Before the emergence on CNNs the state-of-the-art was to extract explicit features from images and then classify these features.

CNNs are trained to identify and extract the best features from the images for the problem at hand. That is their main strength. The latter layers of a CNN are fully connected because of their strength as a classifier. So these two architectures aren't competing though as you may think as CNNs incorporate FC layers.

If your question was how well a FC-based image recognition technique fairs compared to a CNN one, you should check the results of the ILSVRC for the past years. The last non-CNN architecture I think achieved a top 5 error rate of 30% (today with the state-of-the-art CNNs this is under 3%).

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