Clustering Methods – Relationship Between K-Means and Expectation-Maximization

clusteringdata miningexpectation-maximizationk-meansmachine learning

I have studied algorithms for clustering data (unsupervised learning): EM, and k-means.
I keep reading the following :

k-means is a variant of EM, with the assumptions that clusters are

Can somebody explain the above sentence? I do not understand what spherical means, and how kmeans and EM are related, since one does probabilistic assignment and the other does it in a deterministic way.

Also, in which situation is it better to use k-means clustering? or use EM clustering?

Best Answer

K means

  1. Hard assign a data point to one particular cluster on convergence.
  2. It makes use of the L2 norm when optimizing (Min {Theta} L2 norm point and its centroid coordinates).


  1. Soft assigns a point to clusters (so it give a probability of any point belonging to any centroid).
  2. It doesn't depend on the L2 norm, but is based on the Expectation, i.e., the probability of the point belonging to a particular cluster. This makes K-means biased towards spherical clusters.