Correlation – Clustering Variables Based on Correlation Matrix

clusteringcorrelationcorrelation matrix


  1. I have a large correlation matrix. Instead of clustering individual correlations, I want to cluster variables based on their correlations to each other, ie if variable A and variable B have similar correlations to variables C to Z, then A and B should be part of the same cluster. A good real life example of this is different asset classes – intra asset-class correlations are higher than inter-asset class correlations.

  2. I am also considering clustering variables in terms stregth relationship between them, eg when the correlation between variables A and B is close to 0, they act more or less independently. If suddenly some underlying conditions change and a strong correlation arises (positive or negative), we can think of these two variables as belonging to the same cluster. So instead of looking for positive correlation, one would look for relationship versus no relationship. I guess an analogy could be a cluster of positively and negatively charged particles. If the charge falls to 0, the particle drifts away from the cluster. However, both positive and negative charges attract particles to revelant clusters.

I apologise if some of this isn't very clear. Please let me know, I will clarify specific details.

Best Answer

Here's a simple example in R using the bfi dataset: bfi is a dataset of 25 personality test items organised around 5 factors.

x <- bfi 

A hiearchical cluster analysis using the euclidan distance between variables based on the absolute correlation between variables can be obtained like so:


alt text The dendrogram shows how items generally cluster with other items according to theorised groupings (e.g., N (Neuroticism) items group together). It also shows how some items within clusters are more similar (e.g., C5 and C1 might be more similar than C5 with C3). It also suggests that the N cluster is less similar to other clusters.

Alternatively you could do a standard factor analysis like so:

factanal(na.omit(x), 5, rotation = "Promax")

   A1    A2    A3    A4    A5    C1    C2    C3    C4    C5    E1    E2    E3    E4    E5    N1 
0.848 0.630 0.642 0.829 0.442 0.566 0.635 0.572 0.504 0.603 0.541 0.457 0.541 0.420 0.549 0.272 
   N2    N3    N4    N5    O1    O2    O3    O4    O5 
0.321 0.526 0.514 0.675 0.625 0.804 0.544 0.630 0.814 

   Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
A1  0.242  -0.154          -0.253  -0.164 
A2                          0.570         
A3         -0.100           0.522   0.114 
A4                  0.137   0.351  -0.158 
A5         -0.145           0.691         
C1                  0.630           0.184 
C2  0.131   0.120   0.603                 
C3  0.154           0.638                 
C4  0.167          -0.656                 
C5  0.149          -0.571           0.125 
E1          0.618   0.125  -0.210  -0.120 
E2          0.665          -0.204         
E3         -0.404           0.332   0.289 
E4         -0.506           0.555  -0.155 
E5  0.175  -0.525   0.234           0.228 
N1  0.879  -0.150                         
N2  0.875  -0.152                         
N3  0.658                                 
N4  0.406   0.342  -0.148           0.196 
N5  0.471   0.253           0.140  -0.101 
O1         -0.108                   0.595 
O2 -0.145   0.421   0.125   0.199         
O3         -0.204                   0.605 
O4          0.244                   0.548 
O5  0.139                   0.177  -0.441 

               Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
SS loadings      2.610   2.138   2.075   1.899   1.570
Proportion Var   0.104   0.086   0.083   0.076   0.063
Cumulative Var   0.104   0.190   0.273   0.349   0.412

Test of the hypothesis that 5 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 767.57 on 185 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 5.93e-72 
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