Solved – Clustering short time series

classificationclusteringtime series

I would like to classify a relatively large set (over 9000) of short times series. The length of each sequence varies, but I would say about 80 % has between 2 and 9 observations. While I could use a simple trendline (maybe combined with a variance measure) to describe each these sequences, I would like to go a step beyond this solution.

What other kinds of methods could I utilize to cluster the "visual appearance" of these sequences? The ultimate goal of the classification is to gain a understanding of what type of trend/style/behavior each sequence is exhibiting.

Best Answer

I can give you few hints:

  1. You could use dynamic time warping to extract similarity between your sequences. Please see : Can someone please explain dynamic time warping for determining time series similarity?
  2. Cave plot (visualization as you have stated) is another option.
  3. If you use R, may give you some hint
  4. You may want to see a discussion on similar topic at Time series 'clustering' in R