Solved – CLMM Output interpretation from R Ordinal


Problem description
question is at the end:

I am testing to see what factors are responsible for vegetation change over a large landscape over a period of 100 years. The response variable is an ordinal measure of vegetation change describing how different the vegetation is in terms of its successional state. The response can be 0 (no change), 1 (a little bit of change), 2 (moderate change) or 3 (Maximum change).

I have a model with a random factor (Blockshed: watersheds to control for spatial autocorrelation), an ordered factor (tsf: time since fire)and two continuous variables (Z.elev: standardized elevation; : standardized solar insolation).

I am using the CLMM procedure in R:Ordinal package.

Because there are three possible levels of tsf (short, medium, very long), the model tests both linear (L) and quadratic (Q) terms for the variable (n-1 models, if the TSF had 4 levels, it would also test Cubic) . These two models are indicated in the output by TSF.L and TSF.Q. As you will see both are significant, so I would assume I would choose the model with the lowest p-value, or if they are identical (as is the case here), choose the simplest (L) model.

This is the code to run the model:

MGall32.clmm <- clmm(chgdir ~ + tsf + Z.elev + (1 | blockshed), 
                     data = MG09, Hess = TRUE,
                     control = clmm.control(method = c("nlminb")))

The following is the output from the model:

model output

what is CLMM doing in the Linear vs Quadratic models? The response variable is an ordered factor with values of 0, 1, 2
I have read the CLMM package description, and it does not specify what is going on under the hood.

Created using this code:

vegtrans$tsf <- with(vegtrans, factor(tsf, levels=c('S','M','XL'), 

Best Answer

These aren't separate models for the linear and quadratic term for tsf; the results you show are for one single model containing both terms. What the results are suggesting is that you need to have the quadratic term rather than just represent/approximate tsf as a linear function only.