Solved – Classification after factor analysis

classificationclusteringfactor analysispsychometrics

I have analysed several dimensions in a survey. Each part of the survey represents a theoretical dimension and is analysed with factorial analysis.

I want to use scores from factor analysis to do a classification.

  1. The first factors represents a large part of the variance. Can I keep only first factor or do I need to retain all factors?

  2. After factor analysis, I did a PROMAX rotation which is an oblique rotation. How should I use the output from the PROMAX rotation? If I have taken account of that how do I compute distance with factors correlations matrix?

Best Answer

One solution to your 1. question is to use cross-validation. You compute classification accuracy for models with different number of components and then pick one with the highest classification accuracy. You can check the references below:

PLS Dimension Reduction for Classification with Microarray Data

Rasch-based high-dimensionality data reduction and class prediction with applications to microarray gene expression data

To my experience factor rotation does not improve classification accuracy. Please report your results.

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