Solved – Choosing the right ARIMA model in MATLAB

arimaeconometricsforecastingmodel selectionseasonality

I have a problem regarding choosing the right model for historical data that I need to forecast. When drawing the ACF and PACf, a clear seasonality appears at lag 24 as you can see in the figure:

I used the model: "ExU_1_7" is the historical data for 7 days

model= arima('Constant',0,'D',0,'Seasonality',24,...
    fit = estimate(model,(ExU_1_7));
    res = infer(fit,(ExU_1_7));
    [yF] = forecast(fit,24,'Y0',(ExU_1_7));

Is this suitable? I want also to ask about the presample data concept and how to choose the right one "Y0 or XF or Xo etc".

Best Answer

if you have hourly data you might want to build a mixed frequency model which will embody daily patterns perhaps due to holiday events or other user specified causal variables. You might want to look at Peak Hours for Tweeting

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