Python Statistics – Performing Chi-Squared Test Using Python Libraries


As I understand it, statsmodels.stats.contingency_tables.Table.test_nominal_association() and scipy.stats.chi2_contingency() refer to the same test, however the results are different:

import numpy as np

### Contingency table
tab = np.array([[6,20],[13,5]])

### SciPy
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

print("Chi square test\nChi squared = %f\np           = %f\nDOF         = %d"%(chi_val,p_val,dof))

Chi square test
Chi squared = 8.563275
p           = 0.003430
DOF         = 1
### Statsmodels

import statsmodels.api as sm

table = sm.stats.Table(tab)
res =  table.test_nominal_association()
print (res)

df          1
pvalue      0.0012129356662224922
statistic   10.470535312640576

Is there a fundamental difference between the two stats?

Best Answer

scipy uses the continuity correction, statsmodels does not. If you pass correction=False to the scipy test, then the results will be identical.