Solved – chi-square distribution with ${n-1}$ degree of freedom


Suppose that ${y_1}, …, {y_n}$ is a random sample from an ${N(\mu,\sigma^2)}$ distribution. Then
{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\frac {(y_{i}-\bar{y})^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}}}$$

has a $\chi^{2}_{n-1}$ distribution. Why is this the sum of ${\chi^{2}}$ distributions that sum to a chi-square distribution with ${n-1}$ degrees of freedom instead ${n}$ degree? Can anyone prove it for me?

Best Answer

It is well-known that this is because the sample mean is used in place of $\mu$. Note that this is the sum of n chi-square random variables but they are dependent due to the use of the sample mean in place of $\mu$.

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