ANCOVA – Checking Factor/Covariate Independence in ANCOVA


One of the ANCOVA assumptions, as I read it here, says that:

Independent variables orthogonal to covariates. In traditional ANCOVA, the independents area assumed to be orthogonal to the factors. If the covariate is influenced by the categorical independents, then the control adjustment ANCOVA makes on the dependent variable prior to assessing the effects of the categorical independents will be biased since some indirect effects of the independents will be removed from the dependent.

See also the third assumption here.

Could you tell me how should I verify that this assumption is met, in a given model containing three factors and one covariate?

You can refer to SPSS or R ways of doing this.

Thank you very much

Best Answer

One approach is to see if the covariate is correlated with the predictor variables. That is, if the ANCOVA is given by:

predicted ~ covariate + predictor1*predictor2*predictor3

Then first assess whether the covariate and the various predictor effects/interactions are correlated:

covariate ~ predictor1*predictor2*predictor3

If you find that the covariate is correlated with any of the predictor variables or their interaction, then you're violating the assumption you cite. If the covariate is categorical with more than 2 levels, you'll have to assess the correlations via multinomial regression.

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