Data Visualization – Chart Options for Visualizing Multi-Dimensional Data

data visualizationmultivariate analysis

I have multi-dimensional data in the following form:

|          |              1              |              2              |              3              |
|          | Method1 | Method2 | Method3 | Method1 | Method2 | Method3 | Method1 | Method2 | Method3 |
| Dataset1 |    10   |    8    |    7    |    15   |    20   |    18   |    20   |    30   |    28   |
| Dataset2 |    15   |    10   |    9    |    17   |    19   |    17   |    22   |    30   |    29   |
| Dataset3 |    13   |    10   |    8    |    15   |    16   |    15   |    21   |    32   |    29   |

Is there a way to intuitively visualize this data for comparing the three methods for each dataset, for the different values of 1,2,3? What is the name of the proposed chart (so than I can look it up in R or Excel or Matlab documentation)?

I am not sure what this kind of data is called, so pardon my possibly wrong tags.

Best Answer

You seem to have a response variable with three categorical controls. Whether the controls are ordered or their labels are arbitrary is not clear. Similarly, whether joining some points (but not others) by lines can be justified is not clear.

Something like a (Cleveland) dot chart would be a starting point. There are several small trade-offs in shuffling the order of the breakdown and between mixing vertical and/or horizontal order.

Similarly, with different symbolism added points could be placed on the same line, thus reducing the number of dimensions.

enter image description here

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