Solved – Caret varImp for randomForest model

caretrrandom forest

I'm having trouble understanding how the varImp function works for a randomForest model with the caret package. In the example below feature var3 gets zero importance using caret's varImp function, but the underlying randomForest final model has non-zero importance for feature var3. Why is this the case?


rf <- train(x, y, 
      method = "rf",
      trControl = trainControl(method = "oob"),
      importance = TRUE,
      verbose = TRUE,
      tuneGrid = data.frame(mtry = num.predictors) )

fm <- rf$finalModel

> varImp(f)
rf variable importance

var1    100.00
var2    80.14
var3    0.00

> importance(fm)
        %IncMSE IncNodePurity
var2    872.7935      40505276
var1    1021.4707      55682866
var3     273.0168       3078731

Best Answer

As I understood you have only 3 variables. By default varImp function returns scaled results in range 0-100. Var3 has the lowest importance value and its scaled importance is zero. Try to call varImp(rf, scale = FALSE).