Poisson Regression – Can Weights and Offset Lead to Similar Results in Poisson Regression?

generalized linear modelmodelingoffsetpoisson-regressionweights

In "A Practioner's guide to Generalized linear models" in paragraph 1.83 it is stated that:

"In the particular case of a Poisson multiplicative GLM it can be shown that modelling claim counts with an offset term equal to the log of the exposure produced identical results to modelling claim frequencies with prior weights set to be equal to the exposure of each observation."

I am not able to find any further references of this results, so i took upon some empirical testing in which i was not able to find proof that the statement is correct. Can anyone provide some insight in why this results may be right/wrong.

FYI, i used the following R code to test the hypothesis, in which i could not obtain similar results for the two mentioned cases:


# Generate random data
X = matrix(data = rnorm(n*m)+1, ncol = m, nrow = n)

intercept = 2
coefs = runif(m)
offset = runif(n)
## DGP: exp of Intercept + linear combination X variables + log(offset)
mu = exp(intercept + X%*%coefs + log(offset))
y = rpois(n=n, lambda=mu)

df = data.frame('y'=y, 'X'=X, 'offset' = offset)
formula = paste("y ~",paste(colnames(df)[grepl("X", colnames(df))], collapse = "+"))

#First model using log(offset) as offset
fit1  = glm(formula, family = "poisson", df, offset = log(offset))
#Second model using offset as weights for individual observations
fit2 = glm(formula, family = "poisson", df, weights = offset) 
#Third model using poisson model on y/offset as reference
dfNew = df
dfNew$y = dfNew$y/offset
fit3 = glm(formula, family = "poisson", dfNew)

#Combine coefficients with the true coefficients
rbind(fit1$coefficients, fit2$coefficients, fit3$coefficients, c(intercept,coefs))

The coefficient estimates resulting from running this code is given below:

    (Intercept)       X.1       X.2       X.3        X.4       X.5       X.6
[1,]    1.998277 0.2923091 0.4586666 0.1802960 0.11688860 0.7997154 0.4786655
[2,]    1.588620 0.2708272 0.4540180 0.1901753 0.07284985 0.7928951 0.5100480
[3,]    1.983903 0.2942196 0.4593369 0.1782187 0.11846876 0.8018315 0.4807802
[4,]    2.000000 0.2909240 0.4576965 0.1807591 0.11658183 0.8005451 0.4780123
              X.7       X.8       X.9      X.10
[1,]  0.005772078 0.9154808 0.9078758 0.3512824
[2,] -0.003705015 0.9117014 0.9063845 0.4155601
[3,]  0.007595660 0.9181014 0.9076908 0.3505173
[4,]  0.005881960 0.9150350 0.9084375 0.3511749

and we can observe the coefficients are not identical.

Best Answer

(with your R code, you could replace "poisson" with "quasipoisson" to avoid all the warnings that get generated. Nothing else of import will change. See (*) below). Your reference use the term "multiplicative glm" which I think just means a glm with log link, since a log link can be thought of as a multiplicative model. Your own example shows that the claim is false, at least as we interpreted it (Since the estimated parameters are not equal). You could write the authors and ask them what they meant. Below I will argue why the claim is false.

Let $\lambda_i$ be the poisson parameter and $\omega_i$ the weights. Let $\eta_i$ be the linear predictor without the offset, and then $\eta_i+\log(\omega_i)$ be the linear predictor with the offset. The poisson probability function is $$ f(y_i) = e^{-\lambda_i} \lambda_i^{y_i}/y_i ! $$ Then the log likelihood function for the model with offset becomes $$ \ell = -\sum_i \omega_i e^{\eta_i} + \sum_i y_i \eta_i +\sum_i y_i\log \omega_i - \sum_i \log y_i! $$ while the log likelihood function for the model with weights becomes $$ \ell^w = -\sum_i \omega_i e^{\eta_i}+\sum_i y_i \omega_i \eta_i -\sum_i \omega_i \log y_i! $$ and this are clearly not the same. So what those authors meant is not clear to me.

(*) Note from the help of R's glm function:

Non-‘NULL’ ‘weights’ can be used to indicate that different observations have different dispersions (with the values in ‘weights’ being inversely proportional to the dispersions); or equivalently, when the elements of ‘weights’ are positive integers w_i, that each response y_i is the mean of w_i unit-weight observations. For a binomial GLM prior weights are used to give the number of trials when the response is the proportion of successes: they would rarely be used for a Poisson GLM.

Looking into the meaning of the weights arguments explains this, it gives little meaning with the poisson family function, which assumes a constant scale parameter $\phi=1$ while the weights arguments modifies $\phi$. This do give more meaning with the quasiposson family function. See the answer to "weight" input in glm and lm functions in R The answer given there also helps in seeing why the likelihood in the weighted case takes the form given above.

The answer given here might be relevant: How is a Poisson rate regression equal to a Poisson regression with corresponding offset term? and is very interesting.