Machine-Learning – Can Accuracy be Validated Using Precision and Recall?

accuracymachine learningprecision-recall

My apologies in advance if I am skipping some basics. But I know the formula and understanding of how to calculate accuracy, precision and recall. My question is, given the accuracy, can we validate it using precision (P) and recall (R)? Is there some way that if I have the output of P and R, can I calculate/validate accuracy?

Kindly guide.

Best Answer

Assuming we know the sample size $N$ we can get the Accuracy from knowing Precision and Recall. Precision is defined as $\frac{TP}{TP+FP}$ and Recall is defined as $\frac{TP}{TP+FN}$, $TP$ is the number of True Positives, $FP$ is the number of False Positives and $FN$ is the number of True Negatives. Now given that $N = TP+TN+FP+FN$ the only thing we do not know if the number of $TN$. We can solve for $TN = N-(TP+FP+FN)$, given that we can calculate the Accuracy as $\frac{TP+TN}{N}$. If we do not know that total number of samples examined, $N$, then we are stuck.

In general, Precision and Recall (and their harmonic mean, the $F_1$ score) are intuitive measurements indeed but they do not account for the correct classification of negative examples (True Negatives) and that is on certain occasions inconvenient (or outright misleading).