Solved – Can neural network classify large images

deep learningneural networks

I'm considering using ReLU or convolutional deep learning network to classify black and white 8.5"x11" images (with some fine details). Most examples of DNN I saw tested on the MNIST images which are 28×28 pixels. I figured I could probably reduce the images to 320×414 pixels and still be recognizable for my classification needs; further reduction may be risky as even human being may have hard time telling the details. But even at this resolution, there will be 132480 pixels and so the network input would be a vector of 32-bit floats of that many element. Will ReLU or convolutional network handle such large inputs? What are the method to reduce the input size?

Best Answer

There have been convolution networks for videos of $224 \times 224 \times 10$ (1), so yes its possible.

I would strongly suggest to reduce the image size as much as possible, and at the same time use non-fully connected layers in the beginning, reducing the dimensionality of your optimisation problem.

Another approach that you could try is to use a sliding window as input instead of the whole image. This way you could take the features of the first layers of any pretrained ImageNet network, that would significantly decrease your training time. In case you are using Torch7 you can find them here (2).

In both cases, in order to train such convolutional nets you will need a lot of computational power and a (some) very good GPU(s).

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