Solved – Can Agglomerative Clustering (Hierarchical) form non-convex clusters

clusteringhierarchical clusteringmachine learningscikit learnunsupervised learning

I want to know whether Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering draws non-convex cluster boundaries. From sklearn's comparing diff clustering algorithm experiment it seems like Agglomerative clustering can form non-convex clustering even though it is a distance based method. I don't understand how that's possible.sklearn experiment

Best Answer

Yes, it produces non-convex clusters.

You have an example in your screenshot.

But also no: it does not "draw cluster boundaries". There is no concept of a cluster boundary in hierarchical clustering. Clusters are just sets of points.

In particular single-linkage tends to form "chains" that can be non-convex. Since it uses nearest neighbors only, it ignores the overall shape of the cluster.

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