Solved – Can a variable be both a moderator and predictor

interactionmultiple regressionpredictive-modelsregressionterminology

I have dependent variable Y and independent variables X and Z. I am not sure at all, if it is allowed or if it makes sense to state the following hypotheses:

H1: Variables X and Z correlate positively with each other.

H2: X predicts variable Y positively.

H3: Z predicts variable Y negatively.

H4: The association between X and Y is moderated by Z.

Is it possible to hypothesize both a moderation and a predictor role for variable Z?
I would plan to test H1 with a correlation analysis. For H2 and H3, I would perform a multiple regression (with predictors X and Z). Could I state that I would only test for H4, if there H2 and H3 turn out to be significant, and then perform another multiple regression with including the moderation (i.e. predictors, X, Z and interaction X*Z)?

Sorry for all these questions, I hope somebody can help me to gain some clarity.

Best Answer

I don't really understand the question. In some regression model $Y= f(x_1, \dotsc,x_p)+\epsilon$, all the variables on the RHS are needed to make predictions for $Y$, all are predictors. A moderator is a predictor that plays a specific role, that of modifying (interacting with) the effect of some other predictor. That does not make it any less a predictor itself.

But maybe I have misunderstood something?

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